These are "new production" real 1N34A diodes by New Jersey Semiconductor. These would be typically used as clipping diodes in pedal circuits. These are in a glass case, which has been coated and printed with the part number. If you desire, you can carefully scratch the coating off to reveal the glass case.
Please note that the forward voltage on these varies from piece to piece. Most seem to be in the .35 - .7 V range, but the datasheet states 1V is the maximum Vf. If you were hoping for every piece to be .35, or .4 volts or whatever value you read is the "correct" forward voltage for a 1N34A, then this probably won't be a good choice for you. But for clipping, these will work great and will give you the germanium sound you might be looking for.
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1N34A Germanium Diode Download Datasheet PDF |