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N.O.S. D9k (Д9K) Germanium Diode (1-Piece)

Soviet Manufacturer

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Sourced from Ukraine, these are New Old Stock (N.O.S.) Soviet D9K (Д9K) Germanium Diodes. We measured 10 pieces of these on a Peak Atlas DCA55, and the forward voltage on these seems to be fairly consistent, from ~.39 - .45, with 6 of the 10 pieces being exactly .41. These make a fine replacement for the 1N34A diode, and these are more consistent than the new production 1N34A Germanium diodes we stock.

IMPORTANT: The red line on the glass marks the ANODE, which is the opposite of the line on the cathode as is typical of most diodes. 

PDF  D9B (Д9Б) Germanium Diode
Download Datasheet PDF


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Soviet Manufacturer

Warranty Information

For this item, we will allow returns of your entire quantity of diodes, or none. They must be returned in the same new condition without clipped leads, solder, etc. Because this product varies in exact specification from piece to piece, this policy is to avoid "cherry picking" of parts and returning others. Unless the return is due to our mistake, the customer will pay for return shipping, and will be refunded the original paid price minus the original shipping costs.